June 20, 2020
One of the biggest mistakes in life is to think that talent alone is enough to be great, successful, and become a high achiever.

Sure talent can be a huge factor that could lead you to your dream—whether it's landing on your dream role, launching an album, or anything your heart desires—but when you start to believe that it is the most essential piece to the puzzle of victory, you have built up a wall all on your own that instead of success, will only lead to failure in life.
Everyone has a different journey. Let's say there are these two equally talented individuals—one achieved the things he has always imagined while the other one faced the greatest downfall he didn't expect at all.
If they were "equally" talented, why did they end up on different sides of the world? The only difference between these two individuals is the effort they made.
The latter was only relying on talent alone. At first, it was going good but as time passed, everyone is also getting better until he couldn't catch up anymore. Why? Because he didn't make an effort to improve himself or to learn new things. He was so confident that his talent is enough to lead him to success.
But let me tell you this, from my personal experience and from what I've observed from other people, just because you are extremely talented at something doesn’t guarantee that you will have long-term success, and the moment you stop nurturing and developing your talent, someone else with less talent is working day and night to beat you. I know this because I saw some people who became like this.
When you work in the media, it allows you to meet different kinds of people from all walks of life. And some that I met were like the latter person. But most importantly, I know this because I experienced this myself.
I may not have the 10+ years of work experience to justify my claims nonetheless, I believe that claims are qualified when it's based on personal experience regardless of the amount of time you've spent working.
When I was still studying, I dreamed of becoming a writer for a teen magazine. Honestly, I wasn't so confident that I can get a job in a prestigious company because there are so many people who write better than me. But you know what, it didn't stop me from getting what I want. And guess what? I stood out. Why? Because I had something great to offer that others didn't have, that's my blog. Back then, blogging was not a huge thing yet. I got in. And they didn't. Why? Because they got scared and followed the "rules".
A few months later, I wanted to try something new. I applied for a job at a competitor TV Network, but this time, the job mainly focused on TV production which I have no idea or interest in at all. I told myself before graduating that I will never ever work for TV Productions, specifically in the news. That's my most weakness. But then, opportunity knocks, and I wouldn't let my weakness scares me off. So I applied and got in. A few months later, I got promoted, earlier than other people. It led me to meet new people from the average to high-rank officials that became good connections of mine that helped me expand my career.
This is not to brag but just to tell you that stepping out of your comfort zone can really make a huge difference. I wasn't the best writer or producer and every day, I get assigned more and more difficult tasks and projects that made me cry on some days (and nights). I thought if these people believe that I can do it, then why shouldn't I?
In short years, I realized, you don't have to be too talented to make it. Like Master Pakku from the Nickelodeon series Avatar: The Last Airbender has said, "With fierce and determination, passion, and hard work, you can accomplish anything. Raw talent alone is not enough."
So what should you do?
1. Do something every day to develop and nurture your talent. Even if it's just a little task or a new hobby, just do it. A little knowledge can go a long way.
2. If things get hard, don't be scared. Face it. Challenge yourself and take on difficult tasks. Look for opportunities to test yourself and keep pushing yourself to see how far you can go.
3. Work hard on the things that will make a difference. Work hard to learn. Work hard and accept the feedback. Work hard at getting better. Always.
4. Don't be shy to ask for help. It doesn't make you less of a person. Surround yourself with like-minded people and use their talents to help you grow and perform and vice versa. That's what teams are about.
To end this article, I want to leave you with a quote from Tim Notke that sums up everything I have been trying to say:
“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”
October 16, 2013
Oh my! It's so good to be back here. It's been a looooong time since I last posted. I was so busy this semester, especially this finals. I don't know but yeah, our schedule was so hectic due to packed-shoots we have to do for our major subject. Partida wala na kong written exams sa finals 'cause I'm exempted. Hooray for that. Hahahaha! But still, my schedule was so packed :( this shoot is so overdue. This was taken on my second year, second semester. Talk about that. Hahaha
As part of our course, we need to submit photography portfolios that serve as our exams. I was so excited when my professor said that, on our Finals, we will be the one who will choose what type or theme we want. Guess what first theme that came in my mind that day? FASHION! I immediately went to my group mates and told them what are my plans (of course, I need their approval too, as a group) so when they gladly said yes, LET'S PACK NOW. AS IN NOOOW :D
We came up with four themes: The Graffiti Theme, The Rockin' Style, Glamorous Theme, and of course, the Sweet Ecstasy Theme. The last one is my favorite because as I explained to them, we need to wear something cute, lively, and colorful (that obviously shows my personality). By the way, each theme depicts each members personality :)
Why Coral Pink Bubbly Girl? Because I'm wearing a coral colored skirt, which is my favorite, and because it's my former Tumblr Username. Follow me guys!
August 11, 2013
One of the best things that happened to me this year is getting out of my shell. Life is short and limited so you better put your heels on and show the world what you can do. You will be surprised to what's waiting for you when you try something you thought you can't do. Trying new things will make you stronger and will give you enough confidence to face the reality.
Lately, I've been busy and haven't posted something on my blog and here's the reason why; busy of photoshoots and other things for school so forgive me if I've been a bad blogger these days :)
These set of photos are my favorite among the shoots I've done, why?
1. I love the black and white effect
2. I love my dress
3. I was the one who fixed my hair!
(Take note: This was not planned because there's really someone who will do my hair and make-up, unfortunately, there's no enough time for her to do my hair because she has another work to do. I was really frustrated that time because honestly, I didn't know what to do because I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING when it comes to hair and make-up thing and there's no enough time to look for someone who will fix my hair. But it led me to a beautiful outcome. Voila! I love my hair and it's done all by myself.)
They say that I'm like a princess here because of my dress :)
July 28, 2013
Have you ever experienced that time when you just don’t know what to wear? As you look at the pile of your clothes at your closet, you just can’t decide what to pick.
Admit it, most of the time you’re having a hard time deciding on what to wear for the day. Searching your closet and finding old pieces that you’ve worn several times already. You’re saying “I have nothing to wear” though there’s a lot of clothes waiting for you to pick them. You wouldn’t want your friend to notice that you keep on repeating clothes, right?—maybe to some people, this is an issue.
One of the factors of the “what to wear” issue is the evolution of fashion style. As the fashion industry keeps on growing, people’s perception on their personal style keeps on evolving too. Through the years, only artists and models inspired consumers to be fashionable. But now, we know that social media sites are growing, there are also “fashion bloggers”—featuring online what they are wearing—that influence many readers. Their interest in fashion paved way for online sellers to venture in a clothing business thinking that it’s their opportunity to earn easily because it’s the people’s common interest today.
To make it easier for you to choose what you want to wear for the day, there are sites that can help you. Polyvore.com is one of the sites that feature clothing brands known worldwide where you can see their products. At polyvore.com, there are many looks and styles that can inspire you. One edge of the site is that you could create your outfit online in less than a minute! Here are some examples of the outfit I’ve created:
Another site that can help you to be inspired by what you’re going to wear is lookbook.nu. People who are interested in fashion are posting their daily looks on this site. For men who are also having this kind of dilemma, here are some pictures to keep you inspired:
This casual style is perfect for dates and even for parties.
It’s very unusual for men to wear printed pants, but this look really pulled it off! This outfit is perfect for school and for cool weather.
July 11, 2013
When I saw these pictures last week, I totally forgot about this outfit. Good thing I was able to browse some old files or else, I wouldn't have the chance to share this to you.
This was my outfit on our second day in Palawan. Oops! Did I say Palawan? Yes I did. This isn't about a trip to New York City (oh how I wished). As you can see, my shirt says "New York City" that's why I put it as the title of this post :)
So about our second day, what we did that time was island hopping, snorkeling, and exploring the city. We also had a lot of food trips as the night goes by. But to tell you honestly, we didn't enjoy (well, almost) our trip there because we didn't get the chance to see the Puerto Princesa's Underground River. Just a little information to share if you don't know about it, the Underground River is one of the new 7 Wonders of the World.
GALS AND GUYS! I need your help. Could you please read this article and comment there? It will be graded by our Professor. It'll be a big help if I get comments. I hope to see you here! :)
By the way, sorry for my tummy :(
Cropped top from Amblvd. | Shorts from Jewel | Shoes from Solemate
July 1, 2013
Sorry I've been a bad blogger. I know, I am. I haven't kept my blog updated because of so many things to accomplish at school. I also had a busy time working on something.
So this shoot was taken 4 months ago.
As you can see, I imbibed the sweet personality style in me and had something daring instead (yes, you've read it right. This is already daring to me! Hahahaha). I tried to pull off something that is the other side of every girl-- comfort zone.
When we go to parties, events, or other occasions, we tend to dress up so glamorous to look fabulous. We wear high heels to look gorgeous and sossy or sometimes, just to add a little height. But do we really enjoy wearing those pointed shoes the whole day? Of course not! Admit it, though you're used to wearing heels, there comes to a point that you would just want to walk barefooted. I admit that I really don't like wearing heels because I'm more on to comfort.
Flats are my go-to footwear, and sneakers comes all the way. With sneakers, I can move freely without worrying that my feet will hurt or be out of balance.
After the shoot, I requested to take a photo of me with silly faces. Hahahaha
Meow! =(^*.*^)=
May 28, 2013
If you have it, flaunt it
My friend always tells me this line because there are times that I am not confident enough on how I look :( she keeps on reminding me that I have the right to be proud because I have something to be proud of. So here's the result of her motivation to me. Posing like a real model. *hoping* LOLJK it's true that when you have it, let it be. Tell the world that you're totally thankful for having it.
This is my first time to wear an over-sized polo outdoors. Take note! It's my dad's polo! Hahaha. Good thing I had the guts to commute wearing this (for the sake of our shoot). I am so happy that the outfit went well with the background which is a graffiti wall.
Too bad the following photos are blurred :(
HEY! I MADE A GIF. HAHAHAHA. I don't know but I think it's funny :D
Polo from Dad's Closet | Shorts from Jewels | Shoes from Converse
May 14, 2013
Note: This photo shoot is overdue. Sorry if I posted this only now. I have a lot of work to do and I was waiting for the two pictures from the photographer that belongs to this set. I really want to include it here because those are the ones that I think I look good, but unfortunately, we didn't have time to visit their studio :(
Remember my post about my birthday? Turning 18 is like a sweet candy with a surprise center, it gives you full of surprises and brings you to a game you'd never want to play. As I promised in my post, I will share you all my shoots I had and this is the last one.
This is my favorite outfit I wore in the photo shoot because it gives me a good vibe and every time I look at these photos, especially the first photo, my blue mood is gone.
April 27, 2013
Every girl has her own flaws and one common thing is having a sexy body.
You don't need a sexy body to look good. All you need is confidence to look better and have it at your best. Confidence is something a girl needs to flaunt her style and beauty. Yes you're wearing the most beautiful and expensive designer pieces on Earth but it doesn't mean you'll look prettier than any other girls out there. It may be a plus but without confidence, all of it will be useless.
For today's look, I wore a backless LBD for my friend's debut. This is the first time I wore something daring (I may be over-reacting because it's not that daring as what my friends said because it's just the back that's exposed haha). I tried something that is more intrepid than my usual style. I want to be different that night and there I was. Success! I got a lot of compliments because they never thought I COULD and WOULD wear such piece as this. They were all shocked when they saw me. Hahahaha! One of my friends even said that I looked like Audrey Hepburn because of the LBD and the hair bun. To tell you honestly, I didn't know who Audrey Hepburn was (oh forgive me for that. Sorry) until they told me that. So guys, do you agree? :D
Another thing, my sister said that I looked like a ballerina. Hahahaha
I thought this hairstyle was easy to do but heck I was wrong. If you would notice, I'm sweating in this picture. Hahaha!
Thank you eFoxcity.com for sending me this very cute necklace! :) Visit their online shop. In case you need to attend a wedding or a party that needs a perfect dress, they also sell cheap clothing online and bridesmaid dresses.
You can find anything that's at its best at this cheap clothing online!
For the first time, I didn't wear high heels in a debut. I opted for something comfy but classy so I wore these cute flats from my dorm-mate that was gifted to me on my birthday. I just love the ribbon detail and the straps of it. Isn't it cute? Tehehehe ;)
Dress from Greenhills | Necklace from eFoxcity.com | Shoes gifted
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